
Picture of Yomira Paucar

Yomira Paucar


Yomira is a Licensed Social Worker with five years of experience in Case Management and two years in individual counseling. She earned a Masters degree in Social Work from Northeastern University. Yomira is a first generation Ecuadorian, whose parents arrived in the US in 1989; due to the challenges and barriers she saw her parents navigate trying to get resources as immigrants, she takes a multisystemic approach in her work with her clients. She provides information, resourcing, skill building, and empowerment through her clinical case management service. She is passionate about helping and accompanying others in difficult circumstances. In providing clinical services, she takes elements of strength based, psycho-dynamic, DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) , Mindfulness and EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), to guide clients to find the answers inside of them instead of lecturing. Yomira is passionate about self care, empowering her community, planting, listening to music, practicing meditation and yoga, and taking vacations.

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Healing Center serving the southwest communities of Gage Park, Brighton Park, South Lawndale "Little Village" and Back of the Yards.
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Centro Sanar Home Office
2645 W 51st Street
Chicago IL 60632
